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My Easter

Essentially Ellie J

I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend! Everyone was asking what I did for Easter weekend and here it is.....

GOOD FRIDAY- I spent the day with my mom, and we attended a Good Friday Service. At service, they spoke about,

Jesus's covenant is one of love, and how we need to trust in his love. We do not need to achieve perfection, it is by grace we can walk in his love. "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."-Romans 10:9 NIV.

SATURDAY- I spent the day with my boyfriend who drove down from Tallahassee, a 6-hour drive. We watched a lot of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, one of my new favorite shows. We then went shopping and celebrated Lilly Pulitzers 10-year anniversary at the Palm Beach Gardens Mall. After we went and had dinner on the beach.

EASTER SUNDAY- Started off the day with Church, which we spoke about the prodigal son and how that story is a foreshadowing of Easter. We are like the prodigal son, and the father is God. "We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way, and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all."-Isaiah 53:6 NIV. We don't need to earn our place with Jesus, we were born into it. "For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate."- Luke 15:24 NIV. After worshiping our Saviour, my boyfriend and I, went to have lunch with his family and hung out. Then it was time for Easter dinner with my family.

I am also obsessed with my Easter outfit! The maxi romper! The exact one is sold out but I will link I super similar one here

I truly hope you had a great Easter and remembered what this Easter weekend was all about.

-Your Internet Bestie Essentially Ellie J


Follow me on Instagram @essentiallyelliej


Hi, I'm Ellie J,

I am a blogger and content creator. I am all about confidence, loving my curves, and caffeine! My passion is inspiring women to live there best authentic life.  I am so glad you sound my corner of the internet.

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