We all know the real reason for the season, but oftentimes we can forget. We don't mean to but sadly the world markets Christmas as a time for cookies, Santa and presents. Don't get me wrong I love all of that and we can all enjoy that but we can't lose sight of one thing, Jesus! So I wanted to share the prayer I am praying this Christmas.
Dear Lord,
We are so thankful you and for sending your son, Jesus down from heaven to earth to be our savior. We all know that the Christmas story is really the beginning of Jesus's life on earth and this time of year we celebrate him, his birth and all the miracles he will perform. This time of year we often get lost in gift-giving and lose sight of the real reason we celebrate Christmas, but as Christ-followers the best gift, we have already received and that is Jesus. Lord, I pray that you can keep hearts open, Lord, I pray that you lead hearts towards you this season and most importantly I pray that all of use can focus on the birth of our Lord and savior and try to live our lives more for Jesus.
I hope everyone enjoyed my little prayer, I am always trying to follow more in the footsteps of Jesus. I am an unperfect sinner and am so grateful for Jesus and this season I am praying to focus more on him!