We all know how important self-care is, but sometime around the holidays we forget about self-care and all we can focus on is making everyone happy, finding the perfect present, attending all the events, trying to make everything perfect (even though we know it's not achievable) and so much more.
Honestly, the first step of self-care around the holidays is to make sure we aren't setting our expectations so high. This is a big problem I have and most of our society has. We compare our Christmas to someone else's. My boyfriend and I are doing Christmas on a budget this year as we have so much we are saving for next year. So I have not set high expectations. I know I won't be getting hundreds of gifts, I know we can't afford to spend a ton of money on decorations, BUT I also know I am so happy to spend Christmas with him, I know Christmas isn't about the money and not to stress about what I don't have but be grateful for what I do have. Don't set yourself up to be stressed by setting your expectations too high.
Another self-care issue that comes up around the holidays is we tend to have FOMO (FOMO= the Fear Of Missing Out) or feel like we have an obligation to do everything. We feel like we can't miss going to the tree lighting with friends or that we have to go to the cookie swap and bake 3 different kinds of cookies. We all need to remember that we don't have to and can't do everything. We need to prioritize what is most important and learn how to say no to the rest. Rest during the holidays is so important and you can't do that when your plate is overflowing.
Lastly don't compare your holidays to anyone else's, especially on social media. A lot of people take social media breaks this time of year to spend with family, friends and to just take a break. You can never compare a glimpse of what people let you see/know compared to your whole story. Some people have all the decorations and the perfect tree but no one to share it with. Maybe you only get one present and a blogger you follow gets hundreds, but your one was given to you by someone you love. Just remember some things are not always as they seem, and no one has a "perfect" Christmas. Just make the best of what you can.
You are in charge of your self care, do what you need to do.
-Essentially Ellie J