Hiii Friends!
Let me be REAL honest, I have a hard time staying productive sometimes. I think a lot of us do. I get distracted, or too tired, or just even lazy. So, today I am giving you 3 easy ways to stay productive.
1) Put your phone to the side. My phone is my number 1 distraction. So when I have something I really need to focus on and work productively on, I plug my phone into the charger and put it screen down so I am not tempted with every notification.
2) Reward yourself. This ALWAYS works for me. I set goals when I reach them I reward myself. Like writing my blog post. I batch write my posts, which means I sit down on Wednesday nights and spend 2 hours writing blog posts. My goal this week was to get this one written and another one outlined and edited the photos for another. Which currently I am on track for. If I meet this goal I am going to buy myself a dress that is on sale at target. My rewards arent always that big sometimes it's renting a movie, some time relaxing, or even an iced coffee. So many studies say that the reward system works and I can tell you that it works for me.
3) Batch tasks together and set a timer. I batch similar tasks together anything related I do together. So when I write a blog post and schedule it I also make sure I schedule all cross-promotion. When I cook I always prep all my fruit and veggies for the week so only one-time chopping and one time cleaning up, huge time saver, and a way to stay productive. Instead of checking your emails checks them X amount of times a day it saves time and keeps you productive. See my point?
I hope this helps you stay productive this week!
Your friend,
Essentially Ellie J